Dre Dominick Michaud
- About :
- Graduated from medicine 2005, Psychiatry 2011
- RCPSC subspecialist in child and adolescent psychiatry
- Hospital practice for children and adolescents for 9 years
- Practicing psychiatry for children and adolescents since 2011
- Target population:
- Ages 9 -17 yo
- Consultations and follow-up for individual and family interventions
- In-person care
- Accompanying animals:
- Service animals, guide dogs and emotional support animals are permitted, we do however require advanced notice to ensure that the setting is appropriate.
- The care (toileting) or supervision of a service animal is the sole responsibility of its owner.
- The service animal must be on a leash or equipped with a harness and be under the control of its owner at all times.
- Refusal of access can occur if undue hardship (could include: a guide or service dog that growls, barks, or otherwise threatens to harm people in the clinic).
- A reasonable accommodation for an alternative assessment could be negotiated subsequently.
- See the commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse for more details.
- Environmental and food allergies:
- We do not have an allergy policy at our clinic
- Please notify the administrative assistant before your appointment if you have severe allergies.
- Bring your epinephrine syringe (Epipen) and notify us of its availability.
- Health measures:
- Depending on public health recommendations there may be health measures in place, including wearing a mask if you have a cough.
- Eco-friendly:
- We recycle and we aim for minimal use of paper. We are very receptive to suggestions for minimizing our ecological footprint.
- Toilets:
- The toilets and water fountains are at the end of the corridor, outside the office.
- The toilets are locked and the codes are available in the clinic.
- We insist that the legal gardian accompany young children or adolescents with a fragile condition.
- Waiting room :
- Out of respect for those around you, we encourage calm and quiet activities for children in the waiting room.
- Cell phone conversations should be brief and discrete.
- Snacks:
- Snack breaks supplied by families are restricted to the waiting room only.
- Screens and entertainment:
- Entertainment items are provided in the office for the evaluation period. Please do not provide additional toys or screens (cell phone, tablet, video games) during this period.
- The clinic, Dr Michaud and the support staff are dedicated to protecting your confidential health information and personal information. This policy describes the management of this private information. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our clinic privacy delegate: 819-771-0017 .
- The clinic handles information pertaining to the medical file and its confidential content, regulated by the College of Physicians of Quebec. We also process the individual’s personal information (law 25), regulated by the Commission d’Access à l’Information du Québec.
1-Reason and type of personal information collected:
- Upon request for consultation by your referring doctor by Fax, you consent, through the circle of care, to the transfer of your billing data (RAMQ) and communication data so that we can create a file, contact you and offer an appointment you at the clinic (names, contact details, emails, telephone, RAMQ). We do not participate in any research, or sale or generation of statistics with your data.
- Our website and the website hosting company do not participate in any collection of personal data (browsing cookies, forms). However, your browser and links to other sites may participate in data collection for which we encourage you to check their privacy policy.
2-Sharing your clinical information (confidential medical record) :
- All medical notes generated by your psychiatrist are entered into the secure electronic medical record (EMR), approved by the government of Quebec (MSSS), (Omnimed – Privacy policy).
- Only with your verbal or written authorization (over 14 years) can other healthcare professionals view your confidential information in the EMR.
- Clinic support staff may have access to the medical file for administrative, transcription and billing purposes, following a signed confidentiality agreement.
- The EMR allows confidential documents and communications to be sent via their secure email.
- Clinical reports can be transmitted to authorized healthcare professionals by fax (Fax-DME or SRFax). SRFax is a secure fax-to-email system with SSL encryption designed for confidential medical services with confidentiality agreements. (SRFax- Privacy Policy)
- An exchange of information can be done via the clinic email. This method of communication may be less secure. We use a system with standard security measures (SSL). We encourage you to disclose as little personal information as possible in this way.
3-Sharing your personal information:
- Your personal data is shared with pharmacies when faxing prescriptions via the EMR.
- Your personal information is also shared during billing with the Quebec health insurance authority (RAMQ).
- Also shared with a pre-billing company (Xacte- Privacy Policy).
4-Duration of retention of your personal data and confidential medical file:
- Your electronic medical file will be kept for at least 5 years, following the closure of active follow-up care at the clinic with your psychiatrist. The minimum duration prescribed by the College of Physicians of Quebec is 5 years.
- Your personal information recorded on the pre-billing site will be deleted at the end of the service contract with your physician.
5-Your rights regarding your personal data and confidential medical records:
- Your personal data is closely linked to your electronic medical file.
- From the age of 14 yo and over (guardian if under 14 yo), you have access to the information contained in your secure electronic medical file.
- You may request a transfer of this information or a copy. (Possible Fees)
6-Security measures for your personal data and confidential medical records :
- We value your personal information and will do our best to ensure the security of your data. However, we cannot guarantee complete security as no method of transmission over the web is 100% guaranteed. The same applies to information stored electronically on a device or server.
- We have detailled policies and practices in place to protect your personal and clinical information, which are available upon request:
- Policy and practices for managing a breach of personal information (meetings, training, review and correction measures, register, notification procedures for patients and commission)
- Administrative policy and practices (restricted access to the file, verification process for transmission, confidentiality agreements)
- Physical policies and practices to protect your information that are available upon request (method of soundproofing, handling of written information, verbal and telephone communication)
- Policies and practices for secure technological means of communicating personal information, which are available upon request (fax, email, EMR, telephone)
- Policies and practices for the storage of personal information on electronic devices.
- Policy and practices for managing personal information of employees and service providers.
- The costs for consultation and psychiatric follow-ups and therapies are covered by the RAMQ. Make sure your RAMQ card has not expired to benefit from these services.
- See the FMSQ Guide for fees for uninsured services.
- Fees for missed appointments may apply if less than 24 hours’ notice or patient does not show up:
- Follow-up or therapy: $45
- Consultation: $95